Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Maiden Voyage
Mill Valley, Ca
Jan. 7, 2013

Everything has a beginning, middle and end. So, today I set sail on the my Blog Sea entitled, "You Can Say That Again"! 

Kind of perfect timing, not to be confused with Perfect Storm, that disturbing Ang Lee movie with the most memorable and riveting scene capturing  screeching and halting sound effects of a train pulling  out of a station in a blizzard on the icy tracks. It portends something awful. This blog holds a more propitious promise, it is my fervent hope.

Ironic, to have to begin a blog about Saying something Again, and again if you choose for the first time is funny. Yet, one of my enduring loves has been with irony, so what a good place "start": You Can Say that Again!"

Here is what I have to "Say" today about this: 

Some would "say" speak about something only to get it figured out and then get rolling. Better yet,  contain and work out the difficulty or nuance internally and show what you are made of. Leave the therapy, the ad infinitum conversations for the confused, the non-doers, the "circle jerkers" and it get get even more uncharitable from there. Well, here comes the irony part: Here in this forum, is a Virtual Confession Booth/Consciousness Raising Group, or better yet, the Elder Counsel whereby You Say Whatever, Whenever, However, As Often as Ever and know  as Wise Women, that our "Voices" heard acceptingly, lovingly, gently, and with witness aid our magnificent feminine flow. Hear here, our Noise will be  of ever moving energy of our river's ebbs and flows undisturbed by artificial obstructions of raised eyebrows, advice or even our own demons of destruction! Please welcome  each dilemna. Let it find expression and know it  will in it's time find release and it's course. Many it manifests new directions, or maybe just a creek that flowed out itself out to Sea .

More,  if the beauty of our Voice gets to  Say it Again! we are offered perspective and sisterhood under the tent of indigenous understanding,  satisfaction indeed. Know the fire burns for our expression anytime, as the cliché goes 24/7, and being heard is the highest form of living with purpose and value. And, if it assists in a new launch of direction of any kind, let's call that a "You Can to Say it Again".... and then some:-)

Comments here are encouraged with these caveats: Affirming our sisters intentions and authenticity first. Then, perhaps a question for them which they may or may not choose to investigate further on our Blog to explore another angle or portion of their inquiry/post. Example:

Rare and compelling post. Wonder if your care taking role is one that your hope to grow to embrace or insist that there be more professional assistance?